What you'll learn in this expert session
Spirometry is an important tool for health professionals to differentiate effectively between COPD and asthma. COVID has discouraged the use of our spirometers for the past couple of years. This talk is aimed at brushing up on spirometry skills and interpretation, and Dr Scroop will provide some very practical tips and also some understanding on how best to do this diagnostic procedure in a way that’s COVID-safe.
Learning Objectives:
- Outline the procedure and outcomes of spirometry
- Discuss patient safety and infection control during spirometry
- Use clear instructions with patients during spirometry testing
- Analyse spirometry results to distinguish asthma, COPD and mixed airway diseases
About the Expert
Dr Andrew Scroop
Dr Scroop is an Adelaide trained Respiratory and Sleep Physician. He completed his advanced training in 1997, this included training and experience in intensive care and infectious diseases medicine. Dr Scroop has held staff specialists positions at Flinders Medical Centre, Royal Adelaide Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital. He is the founding Director of Respiratory Consultants located in the St Andrews Medical Centre on South Terrace Adelaide. His practice includes detailed lung function testing, bronchoscopy and pleural procedures at St Andrews Hospital and inpatient management at St Andrews and Calvary Wakefield Hospitals.

Course curriculum
How to complete this course
Spirometry in General Practice – A Practical Guide
Summary and learning objectives
Video lecture (25 mins)
Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)
Document your CPD here
CPD Documentation and Reflection Activity Tool
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