What you'll learn in this expert session
Pancreatic cancer remains one of Australia's deadliest malignancies but advances have been made in understanding who is at risk as well as new management options. Pancreatic cancer is Australia's third leading cause of cancer death, and the incidence of this deadly cancer is actually increasing among 40-year-olds. Sydney surgeon, Dr David Yeo will present the current understanding in terms of who is most at-risk and how best to detect pancreatic cancer early - which is still the only chance we have of effecting a cure. He will also present the current therapeutic options, most commonly used as palliative treatments, but important for the patient's quality of life.
About the Expert
Dr David Yeo

Course curriculum
How to complete this course
Pancreatic Cancer Management Overview
Video lecture (25 mins)
Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)
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