What you get by completing this session

  • 35 mins of CPD

    A 25 minute video lecture with presentation slides, you can stop and start anytime you like! 10

  • Certificate of Completion

    Receive a certificate once you complete the session. Download this from your student dashboard or completion email

  • Easy CPD Documentation

    Fill out the CPD Documentation activity at the end of the session, receive a PDF summary of your CPD activity and reflection right to your email inbox to save or print out

What you'll learn in this expert session

In this session you will learn about the lifestyle treatment of depression, including the latest data on how unhealthy foods contribute to the risks of depression and emerging good quality evidence on how healthy eating and supplements can influence mental health outcomes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Outline changes in diet quality in the developed world and how this has changed over time
  • Understand the latest research on dietary factors as a contributor to the burden of disease and the impact of healthy eating patterns on mental health and depression
  • Understand the influence of diet and impact on mental health outcomes at different stages of life
  • An overview of how maternal eating patterns influence depressive symptoms in children
  • An overview of interventional studies and how they can guide us
  • A look at the latest date on supplements and which ones look to be most useful

About the Expert

Prof Michael Berk

Professor Michael Berk is currently a NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow, and is Alfred Deakin Chair of Psychiatry at Deakin University and Barwon Health. He is an Honorary Professorial Research fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, the Florey Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health and Orygen Youth Health at Melbourne University, as well as at Monash University. He has published over 900 papers and is the 2nd highest cited bipolar disorder researcher in the world (Scopus), and is listed by Thompson Reuters as amongst the world’s most influential scientific minds. He is Australia’s most highly cited researcher (SciVal) in the categories of neurosciences and psychology and cognitive sciences over the five years between 2012 and 2017. He received Brain & Behaviour (NARSAD) Colvin Award for Mood Disorders in 2015.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to complete this course

    • Instructions

  • 2

    Topic: Nutritional and Nutraceutical Approaches for Depression

    • Summary and learning objectives

    • Video presentation (25 mins)

    • Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)

  • 3

    Documentation your CPD here

    • Documentation Your CPD Here

  • 4


    • Please let us know your thoughts