What you'll learn in this expert session
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories are viewed with some degree of wariness by prescribing clinicians these days. On the one hand, there is abundant evidence of their effectiveness for many acute and chronic musculoskeletal inflammatory conditions. But then, there are also the warnings about gastrointestinal bleeding, cardiovascular and respiratory effects, and risks in pregnancy. In this very practical presentation, pain expert Joyce McSwan puts NSAIDs into perspective - effectiveness, safety and the difference between the different formulations including the topical treatments.
About the Expert
Joyce McSwan
Joyce is a multi-award winning clinical consultant pharmacist and educator within the field of pain management. She is the Clinical Director of the Gold Coast Primary Health Network 'Turning Pain into Gain' program and Australia Pain Society QLD Director. Her contributions in the field of persistent pain has been recognised through awards and collaborative industry partnerships with Griffith University, Bond University, Pain Australia, Australian Pain Society, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia and the Pain Management Research Institute. Her research interest lies in innovative health pathway design and piloting and implementing models of care within the primary care setting utilising mixed funding models to optimise pain management and chronic disease management.

Course curriculum
How to complete this course
NSAIDs – Using Current Evidence for More Effective and Safer Outcomes
Video lecture (25 mins)
Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)
Document your CPD here
CPD Documentation and Reflection Activity Tool
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