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  • 23 mins of CPD

    A 23 minute video lecture with presentation slides, you can stop and start anytime you like

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What you'll learn in this expert session

Meningococcal disease is a diagnosis that every clinician must keep at the back of their mind when assessing those who may have an infectious disease. This presentation includes recent changes to the National Immunisation Program to include Men B vaccination for some high risk groups. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore the changing epidemiology of meningitis
  • Recognise the new prevention methods of meningitis: The National Immunisation Program (NIP), state programs and private vaccines.
  • Understand ATAGI's vaccine recommendations: MenB and MenACWY vaccination for at-risk groups, 2+1 vaccination schedule for infants aged 2-5 months

About the Expert

Professor Robert Booy

Professor Robert Booy is a Senior Professorial Fellow at NCIRS, having joined in March 2015. He is a medical graduate of the University of Queensland (1984), trained in paediatrics at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane and has held a range of positions in the UK. Professor Booy’s research interests extend from understanding the genetic basis of susceptibility to, and severity of, infectious diseases, especially influenza, RSV and invasive disease caused by encapsulated organisms; the clinical, public health and social burden of these diseases; and means by which to prevent or control serious infections through vaccines, drugs and non-pharmaceutical measures.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Meningitis Prevention - Most Recent Developments

    • Video Lecture (23 mins of CPD)

    • Test Your Learning

  • 2

    Document your CPD here

    • CPD Documentation and Reflection Activity Tool