What you'll learn in this expert session
Early diagnosis and the ideal management of melanoma is essential for a good prognosis. In this practical presentation from the Melanoma Institute Australia, Dr Annika Smith, outlines how to identify high risk patients, key steps in conducting effective skin checks, effective options for treatment and the ideal biopsy.
Learning Objectives:
- Outline the diagnosis of melanoma
- Identify high risk patients and effective types of examination
- Understand dermatological adjuncts: Dermoscopy, algorithms and digital monitoring
- Discuss the various treatment options for melanoma and nature of effective follow up procedures
About the Expert
Dr Annika Smith

Educational content supported by
Melanoma Institute Australia
Melanoma Institute Australia is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to minimising the impact of melanoma through innovative research, treatment and education programs. MIA is a national affiliated network of melanoma researchers and clinicians based in Sydney at the Poche Centre – the world’s largest melanoma research and treatment facility. It’s from here that our specialists pioneer new research, conduct clinical trials, develop new treatments and promote awareness of melanoma and where our clinics treat 1,500 melanoma patients each year.
Course curriculum
How to complete this course
Melanoma Management — Skin Checks, Biopsies and Therapies
Summary and learning objectives
Video presentation (25 mins)
Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)
Document your CPD here
CPD Documentation and Reflection Activity Tool
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