What you'll learn in this expert session
It sounds simple, doesn't it? The patient is iron deficient - prescribe iron supplements. But there are many challenges, such as intolerance and lack of compliance - and this course will help health professionals manage these. Increasingly common issues such as vegetarianism and veganism will be discussed and various scenarios will be presented as practical examples of managing iron deficiency in primary care.
In this course, Dr Eslick will provide many practical tips on oral supplementation, how to address common issues such as intolerance and lack of compliance. As well as important and increasingly common, and sometimes hidden, conundrums such as vegetarianism and other dietary preferences, teenagers with heavy periods and other factors that can impact on iron levels and how to tackle them. Dr Eslick also provides useful advice on recognising which patients and scenarios oral therapy is unlikely to work for and hence other options need to be explored.
About the Expert
Dr Renee Eslick

Course curriculum
How to complete this course
Iron Deficiency – Vegetarians, Vegans, Teenagers, Fad Diets and Other Situations
Summary and learning objectives
Video lecture (30 mins)
Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)
Document your CPD here
CPD Documentation and Reflection Activity Tool
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