What you'll learn in this expert session
COPD is a deadly disease. Evidence shows that 50% of people with COPD will die within four years of their first hospitalisation with this condition. What's more, COPD is the leading cause of potentially preventable hospital admissions in Australia. In this presentation, A/Prof Natasha Smallwood will explain what can be done to improve this situation. She will outline how COPD treatment can be optimised to prevent exacerbations and slow progression of the disease, in particular where, when and how triple therapy should be used and where it is not appropriate.
About the Expert
A/Prof Natasha Smallwood
A/Prof Natasha Smallwood is a Respiratory Physician at the Alfred Hospital, Head of the Chronic Respiratory Disease Research Group, and Associate Professor at Monash University. In addition to her respiratory qualifications, she holds postgraduate qualifications in Medical Leadership, Epidemiology and Palliative Care. She has authored over 100 publications and been awarded over $9 million as major research grants. She has clinical and research interests in severe lung disease, particularly COPD. A/Prof Smallwood serves as a Board Director for the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Victorian Doctors Health Program, and holds multiple leadership roles. She is a taskforce member for various national and international respiratory guidelines.

Course curriculum
How to complete this course
COPD and triple therapy – When we should and shouldn’t use it
Video lecture (25 mins)
Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)
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