What you'll learn in this expert session
Chronic fatigue stress is a disorder, condition or symptom set that is yet to be fully understood. The causes of CFS are unknown, although there are many theories - ranging from viral infections to psychological stress. Prof Andrew Lloyd aims to shed some light on this disorder by exploring the nature of fatigue, the natural history of particular chronic fatigue states, the biological basis of the syndrome and how to manage or treat CFS.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the nature of fatigue, fatigue as a 'sign' and fatigue as a 'symptom'
- Define the criteria and definition of CFS
- Explain how one would systematically measure CFS in practice
- Discuss the psychological factors that can influence CFS treatments and their evidence base
- Outline some of the treatment methods offered through the UNSW Fatigue Clinic program
About the Expert
Prof Andrew Lloyd
Prof Andrew Lloyd is an infectious diseases physician at Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, and academic researcher in the Kirby Institute at the University of NSW. He is an NHMRC Practitioner Research fellow and is internationally recognised for his clinical and laboratory research studies in relation to the immunological basis of infectious diseases, including Q fever. He was awarded the Australia Medal (AM) in recognition of his clinical and research achievements.

Course curriculum
How to complete this course
Topic: Chronic Fatigue Stress
Summary and learning objectives
Video presentation (30 mins)
Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)
Document your CPD here
CPD Documentation and Reflection Activity Tool
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