What you get by completing this session

  • 35 mins of CPD

    A 25 minute video lecture with presentation slides, you can stop and start anytime you like. Includes 10 minute quiz

  • Certificate of Completion

    Receive a certificate once you complete the session. Download this from your student dashboard or in your course completion email

  • Easy CPD Documentation

    Fill out the CPD Documentation activity at the end of the session, receive a PDF summary of your CPD activity and reflection right to your email inbox to save or print out!

What you'll learn in this expert session

Breast implants have been used since 1963 and the rate of breast implant procedures continues to escalate globally. They have also been the subject of major controversies including the DOW crisis of 1990s, the PIP crisis of 2010, the current concerns about Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphomas occurring around textured implants, and a social media driven entity known as Breast Implant Illness. This presentation aims to provide practical advice about breast implants including their risks and complications, and will also explain the origin of the controversies and the registry efforts undertaken to generate better data about these high risk implantable devices. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the background of breast implants; the increasing demand, psychological benefits, common reasons behind the undertaking, the evolution
  • Recognise breast implant complications such as the occurrence of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphomas and the Breast Implant Illness on social media  
  • Study the practical implementations for the prevention, treatment and monitoring of such risks and complications

About the Expert

Prof Rodney Cooter

Professor Rodney Cooter is a plastic surgeon based in Adelaide, South Australia. As a medical specialist, Cooter performs a variety of plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery with a particular emphasis on breast aesthetics, breast reconstruction, skin cancer surgery, body and facial contouring. Along with ongoing specialist surgical training and qualifications, Cooter places clinical safety and well-being at the forefront of his commitment to patients under his care. This is supported by his enduring involvement with professional organisations inventively leading the way for change and improvement in the medical arena.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to complete this course

    • Instructions

  • 2

    Topic: Breast Implants and Complications - Practical Advice

    • Summary and learning objectives

    • Video Presentation (25 mins)

    • Quiz: Test Your Learning (10 mins)

  • 3

    Document your CPD here

    • CPD Documentation and Reflection Activity Tool

  • 4


    • Please let us know your thoughts