What you'll learn in this expert session
Prof Hood is a leading expert in the management of anxiety. He will describe how to manage the initial stages, when to transition from talk therapy to medication, how to initiate and manage medication regimes and what to do when first-line medications don’t seem to be working. He will provide tips on how best to refer or if necessary, how to manage on an ongoing basis in your clinic.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the different anxiety disorders as outlined in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
- Assess people with anxiety symptoms for concomitant mental and physical conditions
- Design questions to assess disturbance, cognitions and behaviours associated with anxiety
- Recognise the therapeutic agents used to treat the different forms of anxiety
About the Expert
Prof Sean Hood
Prof Sean Hood is Head of the University of Western Australia's Division of Psychiatry in the Medical School, and Associate Dean (Community and Engagement) with the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.
Prof Hood undertook his undergraduate medical degree at UWA before completing formal postgraduate training in psychiatry in Perth and Bristol in the United Kingdom. He is a psychiatrist in public and private practice, and his public practice includes Headship of the SCGH MHU Treatment Resistant Anxiety and Mood Disorder Unit (TRAMD). Professor Hood’s primary research focus is in clinical psychopharmacology of anxiety disorders, which involves the investigation of medication effects and mechanisms in populations with clinical anxiety disorders.

Course curriculum
How to complete this course
Anxiety Management in Primary Care
Summary and learning objectives
Video lecture (25 mins)
Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)
Document your CPD here
CPD Documentation and Reflection Activity Tool
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