What you'll learn in this expert session
Knowing the key components of the different infant formulas and knowing which is most appropriate for whom are common challenges for health professionals.
In this presentation, Paediatric Gastroenterologist Dr Rupert Hinds, addresses these exact topics as well as a number of other very practical issues related to formula-feeding in children. These include an outline of the differences between available brands, the validity of claims that a particular formula is better for immunity or colic, when it might be appropriate to change formula and when should cow's milk allergy be suspected. Importantly, he also sorts fact from fiction when it comes to claims such as the value of different additives to infant formula, the misconception that lactose intolerance exists in babies and the value of formula in children over 12 months.
About the Expert
Dr Rupert Hinds

Course curriculum
How to complete this course
A Spin-Free Guide to Infant Formula
Summary and learning objectives
Video lecture (30 mins)
Quiz: test your learning (10 mins)
Document your CPD here
CPD Documentation and Reflection Activity Tool
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